What Is The Hype About Hemp?

There is a buzz (pun intended) and new found enthusiasm revolving around the hemp plant. Hemp is now a topic of discussion from law makers’ boardrooms to the farmers’ barnyards. The hemp plant is not new but the new excitement regarding it is. Many people have reservations about the hemp plant. Some of their reservation is based on either their lack of knowledge about the hemp and belief that hemp is marijuana. After reading this blog, we hope that you will have more insight on the hype about hemp.

History of Hemp

Hemp has a deep history. Hemp has been documented as one of the earliest plants to be cultivated around 8000 BC. The Chinese are cited as the first to use hemp for clothes, ropes, and paper. During his presidency, George Washington was a proponent of growing hemp for industrial use. With the passing of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, there was a decline in the cultivation of hemp. Some historians believe the objective of the Act was to decrease the scale of the hemp industry to shift to producing nylon which was a new synthetic fiber that competed with hemp. During World War II, the United States used hemp to make uniforms, canvas, and rope. The hemp that was used during WWII came from Kentucky and the Midwest. In 1970, the Controlled Substance Act classified hemp as an illegal Schedule I drug imposing strict regulations on the cultivation of industrial hemp as well as marijuana. On December 20, 2018, President Trump signed an amendment to the Farm Bill which legalized hemp in the U.S. The amendment removed the hemp plant from the Controlled Substances Act.

Is Hemp And Marijuana The Same?

One of the misconceptions about hemp is that the plant is the same as marijuana. Based on appearance, both hemp and marijuana plants look the same. The same can be said about the smell of both plants. Although they are sister cannabis plants, there is a distinct difference between hemp and marijuana. The difference between the two plants is hemp has a lower tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content than marijuana. Hemp will not provide the psychoactive effects that marijuana produces. Hemp has to have a THC content of 0.3% or lower which is the legal limit. Marijuana can have a THC content of 10% or more. In contrast, hemp is higher in cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is found in all varieties of cannabis but is heavily concentrated in hemp. In simplified terms, marijuana is high in THC (= or <10%) and hemp is low in THC (= or >0.3%).

What Are the Health Benefits of CBD?

Although CBD is not a “cure”, research states CBD has demonstrated health benefits for those who use it. Our bodies have a sophisticated ability to heal . CBD harnesses this ability by allowing our naturally existing endocannabinoid system to flourish. The use of CBD is wildly diverse. From athletes to arthritis sufferers, people around the world are enjoying the benefits of CBD

Here are just a few benefits CBD provides:

  • Reduce anxiety – CBD has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety related to PTSD. 
  • Reduce Insomnia – The Endocannabinoid system regulates sleep, and CBD has been proven to help stabilize sleep-wake cycles.
  • Relieves chronic pain – CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory that works with the bodies Endocannabinoid system to naturally treat chronic pain. Other uses such as aiding in relieving stress, addictions, mood disorders, nausea, and seizures.

CBD is produced in different forms for consumers to take advantage of the health benefits. Here are just a few.

  • topical: creams, salves, soaps, and rollers
  • teas
  • tinctures
  • edibles: gummies, hard candy, cookies, and beverages
  • gum
  • smokable flower


What is the hype about hemp? The hemp plant has been used for centuries. Hemp is not marijuana, and it has several health benefits. With the legalization of the hemp plant, people can enjoy the health benefits. Since this blog only focused on the history, distinction between hemp and marijuana, and the health benefits of CBD, our next blog will take a deeper dive into the other uses of hemp.

If you would like to try CBD yourself, check out the variety of products we have available at Ubiquitous Enterprises LLC. Go to our e-shop.

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